Tuesday 26 November 2013

The Current State of Affairs and the future of our nearly finished semester...

As promised, the grades for both the paragraph and the most recent journal.

The Paragraph - I was generally very impressed with a few of you on this one.  Some of you got it right the first time, and I barely had any suggestions to make.  A few of you definitely needed a second draft, and I was happy to see the improvements made.  This was an arduous assignment to get through (for me at least), which is why it took a bit of time to manage. 

While it might seem redundant to some of you to be required to post it on your blog after Facebook, I wanted this for two reasons:

1) So I would compare your first attempt to you second and see the changes.

2) So I could find it easily and read with more "aesthetic" appreciation.  On that note, some of you have to consider what the true purpose of the blog is.  Do you enjoy reading grey font on black background that is size 8 courier? Do you enjoy trying to keep your eyes trained on paragraphs that sort of separate themselves from previous paragraphs but not really?  Or even words that break mid-word to a new line because the author didn't bother to check on how things look after "ctrl v" from MS Word?

Probably not.  Many of you don't seem to actually "look" at how your post looks after posting, and "attention to detail" is lacking.  You can't take shortcuts or cut corners when you get to college.  You can't hand in essays that aren't stapled.  You can't be late.  You can't write about the thing you wanted to write about but wasn't included in the assignment prompt.  You just can't.  You have to read the fine print and inspect your work like a meticulous surgeon. 

As well, please stop with the 'single quotations' and the improper formatting of quotes that end up looking 'like this'. And if you write the name of a short story, it is definitely not <Like This> or 'like this'. It's "Like This" and only like this. Not Like This, either.

I docked a percentage point for those of you who didn't post the paragraph the first time, and two points for those of you who were late a second time.

The Reading Journal -  For those of you who did it, and did it on time, thank you.  For those of you who did not.... it's not like I've been working your butts off lately, and it's not like Roald Dahl is Chaucer.  Get it done! Of course, you will be docked and the chance to get above 89.5 for this assignment is sinking in the ocean along with Mr. Botibol.

Generally good work on this one, and I enjoyed all the different approaches to Dahl's analysis of human nature.